When Failure is not an Option, the PHS Team is up to the Challenge!!
PHS is focused exclusively on Mission Critical Data Centers. PHS has sought out and hired the industry’s best engineers, project managers and technicians with vast Mission Critical Data Center experience.
With over 300 years collective experience in design, execution and post project support exclusively in the mission critical space, our team will deliver a cost effective solution that will outperform all other choices available in the market today.
Focus – Control solutions for Mission Critical Facilities and a marriage of industry expertise with leading technology
Goal – Provide the needed expertise, technology and solutions to Mission Critical Data Center Facilities
Innovative Approach – The ability to influence the cost of a project is greatest at the beginning of a project – driving early strategic supplier integration is essential to success
Another key value PHS brings to a project is a deep understanding of piping, mechanical and process control systems and how the interdependencies of those three systems needs to be part of the design.
PHS fills the gap between the rough mechanical design and the final project details needed.

Mission Critical Data Center Industry Applications
When formed, our team evaluated available control platforms, instrumentation, control valves and other hardware, then selected standards based on the unique needs of the Mission Critical Data Center industry. Every piece of the automation supply was evaluated and only the best, most reliable components made it into our design.
Every year we evaluate new technology, industry changes and needs, and business trends, then update our design. PHS has standardized on industrial automation platforms for our BAS, industrial grade pressure / temperature / flow/ level transmitters for critical measurement points, and high performance control valves for critical control points.
By utilizing industry’s best automation products, we have been able to develop advanced control strategies not possible with the traditional HVAC components typically utilized.
As we strive for higher levels of energy efficiency, the performance requirements increase and the margin of error decreases. The facility automation system (BMS) must efficiently control mechanical systems through all loads, modes, transitions and failures. Therefore, the facility automation system must meet an extremely high level of intelligence, fault tolerance and availability.

Focused on the Issues of Mission Critical Control Systems
Having exclusive focus in Mission Critical systems, the challenges presented to PHS have a common theme.
Typical Challenges We Address Include:
- Design, Startup and Commissioning Issues
- Lack of Vendor/Integrator Expertise
- Lack of Redundancy and Fault Tolerance
- Poor System and/or Control Performance
- High Level of Operator Dependency & Ease of Use Issues
- Poor Instrumentation and Installation Practices
- Poor System Documentation
- Changes Require Process Shutdown or Disruption
- High Service Requirements and Cost
- Need for Metrics and Dashboards
- Remote View into the System
- Real-time Data from all Sources on One Screen
- Data and Event Historian
Our goal through the design, execution and post start up support is to improve system resiliency and ease of use. This is accomplished through selecting the correct BAS and instrumentation platforms, hardware redundancy, advanced control algorithms used in our software deployment, dedicated field resources throughout the project and finally local post-project support in North America and most areas.
PHS is working to change the way control systems are viewed. With ever-increasing complexity, energy efficiency concerns and reduced on-site staffing, the need for higher quality controls and increased reliability has become even more important. Controls are often viewed as a small or insignificant portion of a major project, which causes future reliability and operational challenges. Controls must be integrated into the mechanical design for proper reliability and operation.

Ready to get started?
Contact PHS today for more information!