Work Hard, Play Hard!

PHS not only works hard, but we play hard too! This past Friday, we had our 2nd Annual PHS Summer Picnic. Good food and drink was enjoyed, old memories were shared and new memories made. We appreciate those on our team who were out in the field visiting with customers – please know how much we missed you!

Congratulations to Frank DiNinno who played some stiff competition and beat last year’s champ, Scott Ostrander, in the final round to ultimately win this year’s Cornhole Championship. Who will win next year?


And with everyone gathered, we were finally able to give out the awards from the bowling party that happened in March. Better late then never, eh?

Congrats to Scott Ostrander for not only having won the “World’s Best Bowler” award with a score of 175, but for also hitting the target the most during our ax throwing time and earning the “World’s Most Amazing Ax Welder” title!

And the award of “World’s Worst Bowler” goes to Mike Desbski who earned a measly 38 points. Wah Wah Wah!

And our last award of the evening was for the “World’s Speediest Bowler”. Matt Bizzack won with an amazing 28.6 MPH throw.